Wineries & Vineyards

We’ll help you protect your winery and vineyard so you can create your best product.


Wineries & Vineyards

Nationwide Farm Certified

Great insurance coverage is like fine wine – it’s a blend of just the right policies. Whether you grow the grapes, produce the wine, serve the customers, or all of the above, we can help you protect your assets and your employees.

What risks does your business face?

In addition to crop damage and wine gone bad, you also want coverage for the unexpected – like injured customers, product contamination, equipment breakdown, extreme weather and wildfire, logistics problems, transportation accidents, theft, damaged grapes in transit, utility outages, and other events.

It can be complicated to piece together policies to protect you against these challenges, but that’s where Kelly Miller Insurance Associates comes in. Our Agribusiness Certified agents will get to know your business and help you choose the coverages that are right for your winery and vineyard.

Contact a Kelly Miller Insurance broker to get started.

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